Shout by deanzel

Mindhunter 2017

I just finished bingeing Mindhunter as well and really enjoyed it like many others here. The show definitely had the whole David-Fincher-Zodiac-vibe going along with it (for obvious reasons), and I really enjoyed the pace of it all. The incarcerated killers were brilliantly acted with the portrayal of the killer Ed Kempfer as the star of it all. I really loved getting into the psychology of "serial killers" especially during a time when the field and knowledge around "serial killers" wasn't even really established or properly understood yet. Each different killer gave off their own unique and distinct vibe (with no copying of Hannibal Lecter), which only further added to the excitement in the show.

The first episode is pretty slow and doesn't give you a great sense of where the show is going, but the series really starts to take off in the second episode and I couldn't stop myself after that. Please give me a second season ASAP!

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