Review by Aniela Krajewska

The Gifted: Season 1

1x05 boXed in

Review by Aniela Krajewska

I liked how this episode seemed to focus on family. The flashback to Turner losing his daughter was incredibly sad and that ending scene was even more heartbreaking. I feel for him, even though I still think that going after an entire community for the actions of a few people is wrong and unfair. Then there were Marcos and Lorna, who are great together and I'm really loving their relationship, talking about their baby. I immediately thought Aurora would be the perfect name for a girl as well! It made me smile. The fact that their powers combined create the northern lights is fantastic. And Lorna is a total badass. Lastly, the Strucker family are together! They're so nice and loving to each other, it's wonderful to watch. Also, Caitlin is apparently the most qualified nurse in the history of everything. But just to nitpick (and my medical knowledge is, admittedly, pretty limited): if that guy's artery was nicked, wouldn't stitching up his stomach while inside the artery remains cut open result in his abdomen filling up with blood? Shouldn't you fix the artery first and then close him up? Because if so, that dude's gonna die of internal bleeding. Any doctors here care to confirm?

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@aniela-krajewska I'm no doctor, but I also thought that when Lauren stopped sealing the artery, that it would result in continued internal bleeding.

I still think that going after an entire community for the actions of a few people is wrong and unfair.

Definitely. But it's also very common, which, in a way, seems the point.

Shouldn't you fix the artery first and then close him up? Because if so, that dude's gonna die of internal bleeding.

I was thinking the same. But, arguably a small writing sloppiness in an otherwise good episode.
