I wish I had a group of friends as awesome as these guys when I was a kid. I was always the lone geeky one amongst the people I hung out with.

So much to enjoy here. Dustin's feelings of protection toward his newfound pollywog are a bit odd, mostly because the thing is not cute in any way! His friends' reactions were a bit more in line with my own, and I get the feeling that it's going to keep growing into something nasty. But there's something very cute about the way he interacts with it. I was also won over by Max here in much the same way Mike was as she skateboarded around him and made him laugh - typically, Eleven would turn up right at that moment. Great use of tension as she and Mike nearly meet each other, anyway.

But again, none of this compares to the horror that Will is going through. In any other situation, Bob's advice about standing your ground would probably have been good, but of course it backfires here - and again, I have to wonder, did Bob set that up on purpose?

Major Teen Wolf (the original) vibes during the basketball scene. Not sure what Nancy is up to, because I can't believe she's stupid enough to make that phone call to Barb's mum without realising the danger it puts her in.

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