Review by Aniela Krajewska

Supergirl: Season 3

3x05 Damage

Review by Aniela Krajewska

I've been putting watching this episode off all day. I considered not watching it at all. But in the end, I decided to just get it over with. Like ripping off a band-aid.

Now, I knew this was coming, of course. The rumors have been circulating around Tumblr since long before the season started. I knew Sanvers were going to break up. I knew Maggie was gonna leave. And in a way, I feel like I've tried to detach myself from this relationship because if I hadn't, I would've spiraled straight into crippling depression. I've tried to push all my love for this ship into a deep corner of my mind and lock it away. Just a self-preservation mechanism. It's been semi-successful. As I'm writing this, there are no tears in my eyes. However, there is a cold, horrible emptiness spreading through my chest. I'm not even sure if that's better or worse anymore. At least when you cry, you get a sense of relief at some point. But this? I will carry this around with me and it's not going away anytime soon.

I've shipped a lot of ships. There have been dozens upon dozens of couples in all forms of media whom I wanted to get together and be happy forever. But no matter how many there are, each and every one of them is unique. Each and every one holds a special place in my heart. Each and every one has made me laugh and cry, and daydream, and squeal while reading fanfiction at ungodly hours. Sanvers did more. Sanvers gave me hope. Sanvers helped me come out to people in my life. Sanvers made me believe that one day, I might have an epic love story of my own. Sanvers got me through some very dark times. And for that, I am forever grateful.

You know what the saddest thing is? I truly believed they would make it. I mean, I hope all my couples are endgame, but with Sanvers, I was so sure. I don't even care how this happened anymore. Whether it was Floriana's decision or the writers', that's irrelevant. What matters is that Maggie's gone. And with her, a piece of my soul that I will never get back.

Goodbye, baby girl. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world. I hope you'll find it.

P.S. I really loved the rest of the episode, by the way. I thought Lena's storyline was great and Katie McGrath was brilliant. But I'm not in the right mindset to talk about it in-depth right now. I need a 70-hour nap. Or a drink. Possibly both.

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