Review by HN

Ok, so I don't review many individual episodes but this was pathetic beyond belief that I decided to write a review and warn future viewers.

To begin this episode is not all connected with the plot of the story and seems like an unnecessary addition in network TV shows or Manga. Delete this episode and no harm would be done. It fells like this episode was created so that Eleven can get a handle on her own darkness, although I would have liked her fighting demodog or some other guys in Hawkins lab. She decides to meet her sister from the past who now works in a group whose purpose is not clearly defined. Why introduce a group of characters without giving sufficient details to make them feel alive in the series. We are given no information about their abilities or justified their inclusion. Even the main character Eight's identity has not been sufficiently sketched out. We are not sure how she convinced her group members to believe in her cause, by altering their identity like she tried to do with Eleven or some other way.

This long into the series and we not yet seen any interaction between Eleven and Mike or Eleven and Will. Personally I believed that this episode would at least have her confront Will and give him some advice or how to handle the situation. The previous episode ended with the demodog fooling the scientist into sending the lab agents to his trap and killing them. Continuation of that would have been great. This episode would have made some sense if there were minor flashes of the characters involved in the previous episodes and had they been continued ahead. This leaves me to think will Eleven go to Hawkin's lab and find others like her who have been trapped and try to save them? Or at the very least save Will from the coming danger, that's for the next one I guess.

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