Review by Gaby
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-11-13T02:37:27Z— updated 2018-10-27T20:14:31Z

This is a bridge episode. Moving the story and shifting direction for the crew of the Canterbury. They receive a message from OPA Leader offering safe haven.

We get a bit of background on the OPA leader Fred Johnson, former military. We see how the society works, in their treatment of Belters but also a glimpse into where Johnson's repuatiton came from and what might have triggered his shift from military to OPA, no longer doing the UN's dirty work. Now working on Tyco for the Mormons (and for the OPA)

Also, Miller moves closer to finding his missing girl, but it just leads to more questions. He found another possible lead, this time with the ship Anubis, who has been on research station Phoebe. How does this connect with the mission Julie was on with the Scopuli? Was Julie on her way to meetup with Anubis? To steal something? Miller just needs more info to figure it out. But feels like he's getting closer. Now how does this fit in with the mess the remaining crew of the Canterbury find themselves in. How does Julie Mao's disapperance connect with possible war between Mars and Earth?

Biggest "reveal" is the confirmation that Julie Mao was OPA. Did the OPA use her? For her father's money? Or for her anger against her father and all she/it represented?

Overall: setting up stuff, shifting directions in storylines and repositioning characters for the what's next.

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