I'm just, wow. I don't really know how to say it and probably there are people out there that already write about this episode better than me, but, holy shit right in the gut. The song before Rebecca got her diagnosis was spot on, and I just, sometimes angry with people that say "You don't need labels honey" like, no. I want to know who else have the same labels like me so I can share my story with them so that I can have someone THAT ACTUALLY going through stuff like me. To finally found someone that says "oh wow, yeah, that's just like me dude", it's priceless, that kind of feeling

And also the stuff with Valencia, I was afraid that she's gonna turn back into her S1 self, but after we learned what really happened, man, it broke my heart. The way Rebecca said that she can't promise it to Valencia, and even herself, that was real. I just, Rachel Bloom keep saying this show isn't that meta, but fuck man, that was real. Because you know if this is another show, Rebecca would say that she promise not to kill herself and then they have a group hug, and "happily ever after". But here, it's not like that. It's constant battle, and it's what makes this show fucking awesome

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