I was promised a Black Siren episode, but not really, Felicity-centered. Classic Guggenheim prank. Despite not being the best episode, it wasn't that bad either.

Leave away the S4 drama and bullshit and Olicity is a great couple. I liked the little role reversal. It felt weird to see Ollie behind the computer. However, I'm getting tired of people randomly praising Felicity telling her that all she can't do wrong. She apologized and even said that she was wrong so, hey, that's something. When it seems she's close to a character development, someone always comes to say she's always right.

The episode was weird, awkward, full of typey-typey and tech-babble. "Less how, more what" should be their motto. Who writes the tech talk? It seems as if they just spin the wheel of tech-sounding words and put them all together in a sentence. Then add a character saying "English!" and done. Once is more than enough, then it gets old.

Are you seriously telling me that the whole Internet is in a building which so happens to be in Star City exactly where three key holders live? And the entire Internet has just one guard?

Bright side, Cayden James is awesome. I was so hyped to see Michael Emerson. He looked so menacing. Take down the Internet. Evil. Using Felicity to do his dirty work was great.

Black Siren luring people to their deaths exactly like sirens do. Katie Cassidy is great in this role. She referred to herself as Dinah! I loved that for some reason. Why does nobody recognize Laurel? I mean, she just changed her hair. But they're the same who don't see the GA suddenly change skin color.
The cinematography is outstanding. The fighting scenes are amazing. Black Siren shattering John's arrow was great!

"I'm glad we saved the Internet. My fantasy football team was killing it this year", lol. Rene always delivering the best one liners.

That ending scene got me SO excited! Slade takes priority over Felicity, lol. Two episodes with just Oliver and Slade is what I need!

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Are you seriously telling me that the whole Internet is in a building which so happens to be in Star City exactly where three key holders live? And the entire Internet has just one guard?

Although I liked the episodes otherwise, that whole Internet Vault thing was absolute crap.

@thogek Totally agree. That was sort of lazy writing. I enjoyed the episode but that vault thing bugged me.
