Shout by thoroc

Avatar 2009

There are many flaws with the story line, but the back story is so pedestrian it is hard to forgive even with all the CGI involved into this production. The indigenous culture is so cliche, it is cringing every time their characters are talking, walking or just interacting with the scenery. If you add to this, a love story and a banal rivalry with the heir to the clan, it become yet another worthless plot. Everything is there to get your hormones pumped up like any other David vs Goliath meets Romeo and Juliette. It was painful to watch the first time, and it is even more so 8 years on.

Sure, if you don't want to think about the story, it is entertaining, but otherwise this is pretty much as shit as you can get with a big budget.

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@thomas-a-roche most of the budget was spent on creating a mostly scientifically accurate universe with accurate effects and inventing much of the technology needed to even make the film after nearly 30 years. Many, many other films cough cough have been a bigger waste of a big budget while producing a far less enjoyable piece of media. And many other directors wouldn’t wait half as long to do justice to the audience and their project, they’d just do it without the stuff they needed to make the best version.

Plus, better Disney throw the Pocahontas/commentary themes here than a live action remake, a much safer hedge bet. The film did what it was intended to do, create a visually stunning piece of cinematography with appeals to children and adults alike, specifically the former for merchandising/park projects that were in the works.
