Okay, not that there is any doubt in my mind that my girl Daisy could quake a planet apart, but I call bullshit. Why would she do that? Unless it was the only way to defeat whatever evil they were fighting at the time. I don't know. I don't buy it. It's too early in the season to reveal something as big as this, which makes me think that it'll turn out to be a lie somewhere down the line. We'll see.

Oh, my poor baby Jemma. What has she gotten herself into? I hope she gets her hands on some of the Kree technology and uses it against them. She's a tough cookie (not to mention a damn smart one). She'll be all right.

I hope we'll get to see the events unfold from Fitz's perspective soon. I want to know what happened to him and how he's going to figure out where the rest of the team is.

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@aniela-krajewska Daisy could have gotten mind controlled by Scarlet Witch gone bad or Ebony Maw.

It seemed to me that the implication was that Daisy was doing something meant to save everyone and it somehow went Very Wrong...

IAC, this is Deke's conclusion based on what he'd been able to gather from his scavenged data, and we don't know what that data is, whether there're other possible explanations than the one he's asserting (e.g., it wasn't Daisy, or at least not directly, but something else... Thanos?), etc. Hopefully, we'll find out more as we go along...
