Shout by Aniela Krajewska

Supergirl: Season 3

3x09 Reign

Holy cow. Now that's how you do a mid-season finale! We got the best fight in this show's history, a glimpse of Reign's mindblowing power and an awesome cliffhanger to top it off. I mean, I'm sure Ruby's gonna be fine, Supergirl isn't nearly dark enough to kill a kid, but still. And obviously, Kara's not dying either.

Surprisingly, I don't hate James and Lena. Katie McGrath can have chemistry with anyone if she wants to.

As usual, Mon-El didn't contribute anything and was utterly unnecessary. Oh well.

I have a question: why are they so bad at continuity on this show? How is it possible that only one day had passed since Sam's trip? Did they forget about the crossover? Whatever, still a great episode!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

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@aniela-krajewska nice to get a break from Alex either being super happy or crying her eyes out. Which is one reason this was the strongest episode of the show in awhile.

@aniela-krajewska I heard the crossover was totally separate from the current storylines. Yes I am 50+ episodes behind. Sucks that this coming season is the last.
