Review by pygospa

Justice League 2017

I believe I've rated this one a bit higher than it actually deserves, and maybe that's because I am impartial when it comes to having a movie with batman.

However, this was - after seeing Spider-Man and Thor, the first super hero comic adaption that is more in tune with what I expect from such a movie.

The biggest flaw of this movie is the short playtime, because you feel like there is so much more missing, so much more backstory that could have been told, so many more quieter moments that the movie could have benefited from, and a bit more character time, for a movie where we have three new heroes introduced (next to the villain, and other story arcs that this movie gets into). Still the movie is alright - you don't feel rushed. The Characters are well developed, each of them has its own personality trades - we have the strong and funny guy (Aquaman), the insecure guy (Flash), and the one with a troubled background who still needs to come to terms with who he is (Cyborg) - a good mix that (in contrast to Marvels Avengers) has some interesting contrast, and that fits well into our fighting "couple" consisting of the broken and cynic Batman and the optimistic Wonderwoman.

And we get some fan service - there where at least two references to the old Batman movies as well as one to the old Superman movies - I loved them :)

Of course, this movie also just reinvents the wheel - there is nothing new, nothing we haven't seen already, no elaborate story, and the typical DC problems in regards to the villain who is shallow, superstrong, and leads to an CGI smashdown. However, it finds the right amount of fun paired with seriousness, which I found refreshing after the other two movies.

Justice League definately falls behind MoS and BvS, and probably also behind Wonderwoman, but not by far.

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