Review by Vero

This episode was eye-catching, lol. No, in all seriousness, it was great. We finally got in depth into the plotline which hasn't been touched since episode 1. That ending was dark and gruesome. He must really hate Lucifer because otherwise mutilating yourself for some kind of vendetta is going too far.

No words can describe how much I loved the last scene. I saw it comingsince the episode relied heavily on the eyes but man, the music, the lightning, the acting, it was just perfect. Now I have soooo many questions about the Sinnerman. Who the hell is she? Is he the real deal? What's his end game? Why that beef with Lucifer? Where does he come from? How does he know that much about Lucifer? Has he escaped from Hell? Man, so many.

Moreover, it must have something to do with the song. Lucifer even sang it. Coincidence. I think not! I think I've gotta go back an watch "Favourite Son" again.

That ending scene gave the the goosebumps. When the Sinnerman was first revealed I thought it was just a joke, even more when he got caught that easily, but the end sold it to me. When the lieutenant was pointing a gun at him with Chloe behind, for a sec I thought he was gonna turn and reveal he was the real Sinnerman, lol.

About the love triangle they've got going on. I honestly didn't expect it. And I don't like it, simply because it is the kind of plot that oozes "I have no idea what to do with these characters". They could write a better storyline for them both.

Was it me or was anyone else waiting for a shot of Amenadiel coming out of the closet or from behind the sofa completely naked with a sheet when Linda told Maze she was alone? Honestly, I thought that was coming.

The Chloe-Pierce thingy they've got going on. Well, I have mixed feelings towards it. On the on hand, are we seriously going to make Chloe be with every single male character that appears on the show? However, I'm so intrigued by what Pierce said about her in the hospital and I'm still suspecting that he's an angel that, somehow, has closed himself from his brothers. That's the onlyreason why I want them to be a thing, because that subplot really intrigues me.

"You don't ask Superman not to fly, a Kardashian not to selfie" lol. The made a Superman joke. That got a good laugh out of me.

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