Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-12-06T20:41:09Z— updated 2017-12-10T17:58:28Z

If someone had told me 2 years ago that Legends of Tomorrow would become my favorite DC/CW show, I'd have laughed in their face. And yet, here we are. This show makes me laugh, cry and chew nervously on my fingernails more than any of the other three. I can't believe how much it's improved since season 1. I'm so glad I stuck with it through all its early ups and downs.

Vikings worshipping a creepy-ass blue toy is a downright ridiculous concept in theory, but it worked so well! It was hilarious and exciting.

When are Sara and Ava hooking up? I loved every single moment between them. Seeing Ava with her hair down (which was on my wishlist for this season) was great. And I guess we're out of the we-hate-each-other phase and in the saving-each-other-complimenting-each-other-and-looking-at-each-other-softly phase. That's my favorite one. What a good ship.

Jax is gone! No! Baby! My heart is broken. I hate it when characters I've grown attached to leave. It chips away at my soul. I'll miss him so much. His last scene with Sara was beautiful, and so was his conversation with young Stein. Gave me all the feels.

I vaguely remember Constantine from that one episode of Arrow. Is he going to stick around? That'd be interesting. Maybe I should finally watch his show? I generally avoid shows that were cancelled after 1 season, so I've kind of been putting it off. We'll see.

This show's not coming back until February (and I'm excited for Black Lightning as much as the next person, but I'd rather have LoT back sooner), so unfortunately, we have a long wait ahead of us. Sigh.

And, for the third time this week, Happy Holidays to you all!

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@aniela-krajewska I can understand the "not wanting to watch a cancelled show" part. To this day I still haven't checked out Hannibal for that very reason haha but I can def say Constantine is a show worth watching imo. I would definitely recommend you to check it out. It does kinda suck that there's only 1 season and doesn't help with the ending of a cliffhanger lol but it's still worth checking it out. If he does indeed stay in LoT atleast for the entirety of this season, all the more reason to check it out. You will understand more about his character and why a lot of people like him as well ^^
