Trump bashing is getting old.

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Reply by sp1ti

@mrmindway If only it were just that. This season is painful to get through...

@mrmindway member when they bashed Obama for 20 out of 22 episodes? I don't member either.

@mrmindway They're not bashing just Trump, they're bashing everyone, Trey Parker and Matt Stone do not bash on Trump because they are liberal, they just make funny jokes on mainstream stuff, and Trump gets a lot of controversial feedback and it has been like this since he began running for president, South Park just makes fun of this, just like the time when they made fun of Bono which made allusion to how many young guys were saying that U2 sounded "gay", South Park just makes a lot of jokes on what people talk the most about and it's one of the main reasons why the show is so funny and you can understand most of the references.
