You know, my first thought after reading the synopsis of this episode was that we have been absolutely robbed. As much as I love Fitzsimmons, can you imagine how much more interesting, not to mention revolutionary, would Skimmons (or I guess BioQuake now?) be? Can you imagine space girlfriends Jemma and Daisy? Sigh. My heart aches for all the wonderful possibilities that will never come to be. And the worst part? There's not nearly enough fanfiction about this ship. When both canon AND fanon let you down, where are you supposed to go?

That aside, I guess there's a reason Deke's name is only one sound away from "dick". What a traitorous bastard.

"Quake, Destroyer of Worlds"

On one hand, hell yeah, my wife is powerful and you all should be afraid! On the other, fuck you. Daisy Johnson has done nothing wrong, ever, in her life. She already carries so much guilt on her shoulders, can they please stop adding more?

Poor Abby. I feel so bad for her. She'll just end up as a gladiator fighting for her life while rich people watch. That better life she dreamt of was nothing but a lie.

Jemma Simmons giving inspiring speeches about the stars? My heart!

So... are Phil and Melinda getting together anytime soon or nah? There are slowburns and then there are SLOWBURNS. It's been 4 years! Ya'll ain't getting any younger!

Who the hell managed to survive on the Earth's surface? And how is the team supposed to get down there? I need answers!

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@aniela-krajewska Why do you care so much about relationships on a show like this ? You have super powers , time travel, science fiction , cool aliens , interesting social structure with aliens that resembles ancient Rome , philosophy about morality and all you care about is which combination of characters are gonna have sex?

@bloodmanx I watch AoS mostly because I love the main characters and I'm very attached to them, so I think it's only natural that I will talk about the dynamics between them a lot, romantic or otherwise. But I also give my thoughts on many other things, so I feel like saying that romantic relationships are "all I care about" is not fair. If you try reading some of my other reviews, you'll see that it's simply not the case.

@aniela-krajewska Sorry if my comment seemed very aggressive , I was just curious about why you actually find the romantic relationships on a show like this appealing i guess, there are so many shows that focus mostly on romantic relationships, I just found it interesting. Anyway i agree saying that's all you care about wasn't fair... didn't want to offend you in any way , you should watch any show you want for whatever reason you like.

@bloodmanx I mean, you're absolutely right that this show features tons of cool stuff and profound themes. And I do care about it all a lot, and who knows, maybe at some point I'll write about the way the Lighthouse society parallels ancient Rome because it IS a fascinating subject. But to me, TV shows and movies are more about the characters than the plot. Even if this season was shitty, I'd still watch it because I love the team so much. And I agree, people should watch whatever they want as long as it makes them happy. So no hard feelings :)
Also, the reason why I care about Skimmons/BioQuake so much is because positive LGBT representation on a show like this (between two main characters no less, one of whom is Asian American) would be a wonderful thing. Sci-fi has always been about curiosity, discovery, being open to new things. It's always tackled important social issues and has been truly grounbreaking at times (like Star Trek featuring the first interracial kiss on television back in the day). For me, it's much deeper than just wanting them to make out. It could impact people's lives in a positive way. Representation can be an incredibly powerful thing. And I know it's not happening, so I was expressing my sorrow because I truly think it's wasted potential.
