Review by LeftHandedGuitarist

Star Trek: Voyager: Season 3

3x07 Sacred Ground

Okay, this is a mixed one. We open with Kes acting like an idiot and behaving completely out of character which leads to her getting seriously injured. What follows is a quasi-spiritual tale that I think we are meant to accept as something beyond science - that would be all well and good, but the entire foundation of Star Trek is science, so this really throws things for a loop and I'm not sure how well it works as a Trek story.

The spiritual guide is annoying smug throughout. I think Janeway comes across quite well throughout this, mostly showing that she's willing to go to great lengths to help her (senior) crew and, for the most part, not falling victim to silly tricks that the "spirits" were attempting to use on her. Instead it turns out that the entire process was a trick, so that at least makes it feel a bit more unique.

As another reviewer here mentions, the apparent revelation that Janeway - a pure scientist at heart - has that science is not necessarily all it's cracked up to be will have zero impact on her from here on out. That makes this all feel completely pointless.

The Doctor does get a lot of good scenes, though.

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