Shout by Kutesliga

Loving Vincent 2017


Shout by Kutesliga

A one of a kind movie. Its visual power captures your senses and your interest from the first moment. Especially if you are a Van Gongh fan.

It focuses on an interesting part of Vincent's life (which also means you won't see the whole life of him if you expect a biographic documentary). You never get bored and its like you are part of the movie. In the end it leaves you with a calm and satisfying sensation.

All the actors are great. The animation is unique (and you see all the hard work to create all these oil paintings) and of course the music is a great asset for the movie.

Totally a must see movie for someone who seeks something different and also wants to have a taste of the life of this brilliant painter. Also a small piece of advice. It will boost the experience if you see some of his works first, especially his portraits.

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