Shout by Tim Kretschmann

Downsizing 2017

Okay. Here's the thing. This movie was not well represented by its trailer. This takes much more from "This Crowded Earth" by Robert Bloch than I was expecting. The amount of "Morris the Explainer" scenes with Matt Damon is absolutely mind blowing and for a comedy, it doesn't really work. It is an semi-interesting think piece that I will be interested to see if I am still thinking about this tomorrow morning. Redefines bland despite a flashy concept. 6/10

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@tkpnpodcast This is my number one go-to example on how a movie trailer can egregiously misrepresent an entire movie. I ended up appreciating the sci-fi and post-apocalyptic elements of the movie it after I saw it on video. I wish I had seen in in a theater though.
