Review by Deleted

Bright 2017

'Bright' was pretty bad. Not surprise to say that when you look at who directed and wrote it. Whoever says this is an important movie due to it's obvious message on racism, needs to shut up. The film literally treats itself as ground breaking and a brave look on today society.

'Alien Nation' did it better.

Why does this movie look so ugly? It's got the same color filter as 'Suicide Squad', which is another David Ayer movie. And also 'Son of Saul', a holocaust film. So your telling me this and 'Suicide Squad' has the same color filter of a holocaust movie. Before you say anything, no it doesn't add to the experience, just makes it more dull to watch.

I'll just come out and say it - I've never liked Max Landis. I don't know the guy personally, but he always comes across as arrogant and self-centred. Any movie Landis was involved in, I usually don't like. 'Chronicle' wasn't too bad, but that was just one movie. I'm not trying to hate on him for the shake of hating, he just hasn't done anything to change my mind. He's not a very good writer. Every line of dialogue is this movie was absolutely awful that maybe re-writes isn't so bad for Landis.

Will Smith is a great actor, but isn't great of picking movie roles. I mean, he turned down 'The Matrix' and 'Django Unchained', to instead star in 'After Earth' and 'Collateral Beauty'. I hope Smith makes a come back. To be fair, even with the terrible or Oscar bait movies, I can't say he's bad in them. Same thing can be said about Joel Edgerton.

Overall rating: "It was made for the FANS, NOT the CRITICS!”

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