Shout by Tasa24

Had I known a little of the backstory I might be invested in the episode, but this was pointless

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@tasa24 the point and backstory was in the final shot.

@mistamojo_ca I'm curious to hear what you make of the final shot? I fail to allude much of a point in this. So she didn't get the replacement Teddy... either she's gone mad or there are people in this world which can still live without a worry for food or water so that it's an acceptable cost to risk three lives for this instead, lol... The kid was dying, it's a dead world apparently but they are traveling somewhere far out to a factory (to look for a box she has had the serial number noted down)? If this really was a world like that they would have stitched something together themselves instead of disappearing on the kid.

@sp1ti at one point she says something along the lines of "If it makes his life better... that is good enough for me." The love and lengths we go to for a child, yes?

I didn't see it terms of 3 lives being an acceptable cost... just that she needed to try. I don't know if this was her son, grandson or just someone's child from the group she belonged to but just understanding that these 3 brave souls were willing to risk their lives to provide some final joy to a kid who might be dying... or perhaps in a world they were all not long for... well that was the point. I'm not sure what happened to old Teddy. Perhaps they had to move on in a hurry... or it was lost. Whatever the case the child was obviously upset by its loss, so they set out to provide the kid some comfort. What is the point of living if it is just survival... no candy... no Teddy bears... no Christmas?

I felt this was a good contrast to the Mad Max or Walking Dead post-apocalyptic scenarios where people lose their humanity. Even some of the future scenarios of Black Mirror. Dog eat dog and all of that. In this future the people still very much care for one another. Who doesn't want to bring joy to a child... especially if they have a hard life? And I love that we knew none of this until the last couple of seconds of the episode. One shot. The economy. Kind of like "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane. The "key" to unlocking the rest of the story. My take anyway.

@mistamojo_ca This wasn't really for the love of a child specifically. It was because they promised her sister. I know it's true that a child gets upset about loosing it's favorite toy, but it's a child afterall. The show tells itself what happens to their toys after a while in the next episode (and lookalikes usually work too to distract one). Here we have a lady with the serial number of the toy written down on her hand traveling with two blokes somewhere far out to a factory, all the while when a child is suffering and close to dying... This has me at a hard time believing this is about the spirit of humanity, more the opposite really. Consumerism won (given the lengths one would have to get through to get that serial number and the toy being the final thing the boy supposedly desired from them and them weighting this that heavy)...

Thanks for your reply though. I'm pretty jaded with BM I guess.

@sp1ti ahh... they promised her sister. I missed that. I like your interpretation as well. I never even thought about the consumerism aspect... but now that you mention it.... The great thing about stories is that everyone has their own takeaway.
