Review by Greeneidal

Underworld: Blood Wars 2016


Review by Greeneidal
BlockedParent2018-01-24T01:11:23Z— updated 2021-02-08T13:39:34Z

A trip down to the Underworld 2021 - #5 of 5

I think my old review said it here it is.

How many times can you shoot the same movie without things getting stale?!?

Well...usually...not many...especially when you have done it so many times as they have done it with the Underworld franchise...AND...with a smaller and smaller budget to boot.

Even Kate Beckinsale in her incredibly tight spandex can't save this one. Don't get me wrong...she's as hot as ever, but seem dreadfully bored about the whole thing. Though...she's actually one of the few redeeming factors. One of the other is that the effects are quite good in places...except for the usual bad CGI of course.

Anyway...I'm not going to list everything that is wrong with this one because that would take a very long time, BUT...especially ONE thing bothered me throughout the entire movie. The lighting sucked all the way through. Most of the time you couldn't even see what was going on let alone any details. I know the movie is supposed to have a gothic feel...but talk about taking it too far.

Watch Underworld: Blood Wars only if you are a fan of the franchise, or have a masochistic streak.

I'm pretty sure this will be the last time I'll ever see this movie. There are too many GOOD movies out there I haven't seen yet to bother with this one again.

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