The villains in this one were so over-the-top and cartoonish. It was hilarious. I really liked it, this show takes itself way too seriously sometimes, so it was a nice change of pace to see something so utterly ridiculous and fun.

Oh my God, Beebo! I hope this becomes a running gag throughout the Arrowverse. And it reminded me that Legends of Tomorrow needs to hurry up and come back already.

Everything Ralph says is fucking gold. His messed-up knee was so disgusting and I actually cringed when I saw it. So much for invincibility, huh? His costume looks good though! And Elongated Man isn't a particularly creative name, but it's fine, I guess.

I just love Harry and Cisco yelling at Caitlin to bring out Killer Frost. It's so damn funny. And I enjoy the fact that the ice queen is like friends with them now? It's great.

What was up with that girl at the end? I have terrible memory, so I don't even know if we've seen her before or if she just popped up randomly in this episode. She's cute, I like her. I wonder what her role will be.

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@aniela-krajewska she was the waitress at the wedding i think who came up to barry with a drink and awkward small talk.

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@aniela-krajewska Hi. The girl in the end was drawing the same symbols as Flash when he return from the Speedforce prison, as far I remember.first time in the show.
