I've never read MotOE before so I don't know if it differs from the book. I will say that this is not the most red herring plot twisty mystery movie I've ever seen. Of course that title goes to Clue but this film isn't even second place. There are turns and just a few twists. Enough that I felt satisfied but not so many that it felt cheesy. A big thing for me with mystery media is whether or not I could have solved it. One of the most frustrating things for me reading The Red Headed League (iirc) was that the key clue for Sherlock was dirt on the knees of a man who came to the door. A clue that was not described and thus I had no chance to untangle. It's much easier and thus much less forgivable in visual media for clues to be hidden away where I can't see them.

All of this to conclude that MotOE does a good job of providing clues that someone paying attention could pick up on. I didn't solve everything but when Poirot solved a question I felt like I immediately saw how he did it and that if I had wanted to pause the film I might have been able to solve it as he did. Not for every clue or every twist but for enough that I felt satisfied. All in all I was happy with it.

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