[6.7/10] A lesser light by Community’s standards. This one feels a lot messier than other earlier episode, and hadn’t quite mastered the show’s scene-by-scene virtuosity to make that sort of vibe work yet. Jeff and Britta being the “parents” of the group and trying to steer Annie away from Vaughn and toward Troy is a good premise, and this is the most I’ve liked their dynamic in a while, but something about the storyline gets too sitcomm-y and then the show just collapses into vague, multi-car pile-ups of romance.

I’ve also found Vaughn a little trying and the ending with him singing to Annie a little meh. Abed’s eye-brow raising is a good laugh, and Troy’s whole deal here is pretty funny, but the storyline just collapses under its own weight in the third act. (And Britta’s part of it gets semi-incoherent.)

The B-story, like most storylines focusing on pierce, is fine enough but nothing to write home about. Pierce trying to do riffs and being frustrated when he can’t, only to fall back on physical comedy, feels like real life (or Dan Harmon’s own frustrations with the biggest “name” in his cast) writing the script, but it has its moments, and Troy and Abed’s fascination with kickpuncher is enjoyable.

Overall, definitely a weaker episode, but one with some individual scenes or gags that are winners.

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