I can't believe it's been almost 2.5 years since season 1. Just to put it in perspective, i was in my 2nd year of high school when this show first premiered, and now I'm at university. Time really does fly.

Krysten Ritter was born to play Jessica. Sometimes it feels like the MCU actors are grown on a farm of some kind and genetically engineered to play their characters. She channels all the anger, all the hurt, all the brokenness (I thought there was no way it was a real word, but it is! I love the English language) perfectly. Without her talent and charisma, this show would never work. She deserves all the awards for her performance.

So this season we're going to explore Jessica's past. Hey, I'm hyped. It's going to be interesting to see her get to the roots of her trauma. I can smell the angst from here.

(Also, can I just say, Jessica wearing the same pair of jeans every day and alternating between like two identical shirts makes her the most relatable character in all of MCU.)

Jessica and Trish's relationship is my favorite, so seeing them conflict hurts my heart. I hope they'll get past it soon and work together, like they should be.

Cheng is a fucking asshole. I hate him already. Sure, Jessica making a punching bag out of him wasn't cool, but honestly, after what he said to her, I can't find it in myself to feel bad for him.

Hogarth is dying, isn't she? I wonder how it will impact her actions this season.

Good season premiere overall. I'm happy to have this show back. I'm looking forward to binging the rest of the episodes!

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