Review by Vero

"I have faith"

Those three words alone hit me right where it hurts. They pierced my soul. I mean it, 13 seasons in and SPN keeps impressing me in ways I didn't think it was possible. That line being uttered by Dean was something I never thought he'd say.

You know what was the strangest thing? That this didn't come from Sam (or even Cas) who's always been the hopeful one. It came from Dean a guy who has refused to believe over and over again despite everything he's seen; a guy who back in season 1 refused to believe in anything except from the two of them; a guy who in season 4, after meeting an actual angel and being saved by him still refused to believe; a guy who in season 11 after meeting God Himself and talking to him in one of the most emotional, heartbreaking and moving scenes I remember, still refused to believe that God had faith in humanity. Yet, that same guy has faith now. There's nothing more to say. Just wow.

SPN can have me in stitches in one scene and had me tearing up in another. The feels. That ending scene was just beautiful. It reminded me of the one in last season's "The Memory Remains" when they carved their initials in the table. These kind of scenes make me really emotional and give me the feeling that I'm not prepared for this show to end.

"I mean, you know. You ever feel like we're doing nothing but playing defense? You know, bouncing from one apocalypse to the next? I'm not saying we don't do good. But no matter how many people we save, there will be more people that need saving. No matter how many monsters we kill... There's always gonna be another one around the corner"

I'm digging this role reversal. Sam's always been the hopeful one, yet losing Jack and realizing that Mary is trapped in Apocalypse World and that every plan they come up with ends up backfiring is destroying him. He really needs some brotherly therapy or something as simple as a win. Dean got his win with Cas being back and now Sam needs his own. I love that Dean is now the one with faith when he's always been the non-believer and the skeptical one in the family. His talk with Padre Lucca was beautiful and it had an effect on him.

I didn't have high hopes for this episode. If only because of the premise of the episode. Those standalone episodes are normally Monster of the Week ones and I love them. However, this one was different. There were so many things going on at the same time that it got a bit confusing to me. I blame sleep deprivation for it.

However, I ended up liking the episode a lot. It was different than the rest and that was because of its unique style. The mob, religion, stolen relics, Italian gangsters and that music. The music alone carried the episode, along with the lighting and the camera shots. Once again, kudos to Amanda Tapping. What a well-directed episode.

The dialogue was fluid, character interactions were great, everything about Father Lucca was amazing and the rest of the characters were the right fit for the tome of the episode. That was a great homage to the noir movies. The music was on point, adding to the episode the atmosphere needed.

Dean: "Look at you. You're like a Boy

Scout. You're always prepared"
Sam : "Yeah. You're like a... Yeah? I don't
know what you're like"
Dean: "Yeah. Thanks"

Dean: "Okay, I'm just saying, you're taking
a lot of shots to the head lately. I
‎mean, I know that Disney Princess
‎hair gives you some padding, but..."

Those two had me in stitches this episode. I was glad Dean mentioned Sam's continuous concussions. Let episode he was knocked down by Donatello (twice), and tonight again. Sam should think about wearing a helmet regardless of his Disney Princess hair, lol. I've lost count of how many times he's been knocked out by being hit on the head.

Speaking of funny dialogues, Dean talking about what he'd do if someone sells his baby had me rolling on the floor. What made it even funnier was his dead serious expression. "Murder. I'd murder 'em all. There'll be torture first. There'll be, like, a lot of torture, and then there' would end up with death. If I can't have her, nobody can". I'm surprised he didn't kill the thug who drove the Impala immediately there, to be honest. By the way, seeing Dean in the backseat of the Impala was weird.

Padre Lucca! Everything about him was just perfect. He was so damn adorable. It was way too obvious that he was going to be "The Most Holy Man", if only because the "Saint Ignatius" stuff seemed pretty made-up. By the way, I'm guessing Supernatural is where Killgore went after The Flash, lol. I enjoyed the Padre's character and backstory. He felt so pure and down-to-earth. I liked how he was a man of faith, but when it comes to God, he knows what's up. He even pointed it out in his conversation with Dean: "I didn't mean that God would reach down and protect us. Of course that's not going to happen. But I believe that all good things are God's things. And what your brother's doing, it's a good thing".

Something about the way he talked about changing the world regardless of how screwed up it is filled my heart with warm feelings. "Guys, the world will never be perfect, but if good men do good things, it can be better". Lovely.

So one down, three to go. I want to see the adventures of Cas dodging bullets in Syria while trying to find the fruit from the Tree of Life. I still remember how easy it was for Crowley to get a hold of the forbidden fruit back in season 10. Things were easier when Crowley was around.

One scene that I particularly enjoyed more than the rest was that gunfight with that holy music as background. That scene was beautiful.

Tonight's was a weird episode. I couldn't get more clichéd but I liked it more than I expected. Sure it won't suit everyone's taste, but it was an otherwise fun episode with great brother scenes.

And next episode is THE episode. I'm so excited about ScoobyNatural. It socks that we have to wait two weeks for it but I think it'll be worth it. It seems a very Trickstery episode and I can't wait for it.

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