Shout by The Dude

Annihilation 2018

This movie was awful! It started off great, thought they had a good plot, then they go into the "shimmer." It became very hard to follow, the story was going back and forth and sideways. I found myself wishing the end would just come lol. There are way better "end of the world" movies out there. How does this director go from 28 days and 28 weeks later, and Dredd to this crap. Will never watch anything with this director again, I should have known, wasn't that impressed with ex machina either. And Natalie Portman?????? Hasn't she been downgraded to a "B" movie actress yet? I can see that her acting as not improved at all since her days in "Star Wars."

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@mediacenterkodi idk maybe art house movies aren't for you. sometimes style beats out substance, and sometimes exploring how humans react to the primordial idea of the unknown is more interesting than some conventional cliched plot.
