The main topic of this show itself is pretty interesting: special houses all around the world in different terrains. Unfortunately the producers seemed to work very hard on finding the most annoying hosts in the world. The male host is Piers Taylor, an archictect who probably knows a lot about building an constructing homes but he doesn't show any special knowledge except things anyone could tell at first glance of a building, just like "it is hard to build a house in such an enviroment [a desert]". And the female host, Caroline Quentin, is the most annoying character I have ever seen in a show. She appears to know nothing about the topic. You barely hear another comment from her than "the whole atmosphere is very special".
And it gets even worse when they try to be entertaining or funny. There are some staged situations which are too bad to describe and I really wonder how the producers could decide to let these scenes go into the final version. Also, the two hosts often have unnecessary conversations that attempt to be funny.
But on the upside, you can see lots of extraordinary houses in different types of enviroment. Even though the video shots don't seem professional overall due to some shadows from the filming drone and some really bad image noise in some dark scenes.

As a documentary I would rate it 3/10 because of missing knowledge and facts as well as a non consistent camera work. And as an entertainment show I would simply rate it 1/10, there is not a single situation or joke I even had to grin for.

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