Review by Deleted

Take Your Pills 2018

In a way, the documentary in itself, portrays the perfect picture of how fast-paced and erratic the world may seem at times. Its full of colours and clips, and seems to be a little bit all over the place. I found this documentrary to be lacking a certain focus and depth. Maybe the documentary needed some Adderall itself.

When introducing ADHD meds, and people who have "ADHD" or ADHD, without ever giving any proper introduction as to how these medications can be tremendously helpful to those who truly needs them, is one of the greatest flaws of this documentary. I think the storyline would have benefitted from a clearer focus, on wheather they wanted to follow personal stories or the social issues leading to the abuse of perscription drugs in the US. Issues regarding the diagnose critera and the competetiveness of today is raised, but not really delwed into.

Rather than watching a 1,5 hour documentary, I'd read a short summary of its contents to save time.

"The US have a massive problem when it comes to perscription drugs. The diagnose criteriea for ADHD are unclear, and needs to be further developed, in order to avoid people being medicated without needing medications. (The documentary doesn't mention the financial situation, and how perscription drugs and drug companies sponsoring doctors might be one of the reasons as to why they would want to give medications rather than non-medicated rehabilitation options).. A lot of people in the documentary talk of how they are happy to not be needing Adderall when their life-situation changed (eg. finishing university), and said that the drug felt amazing when they took it. Some people didn't like the effects."

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