I really liked this episode. A dose of reality for Blair - college isn’t high school. Welcome to the real world.

Serena’s back to acting like a spoiled twelve year old - as soon as someone upsets her she turns wild and selfish. I’m glad she had a talk with Rufus but the way she just takes it for granted that Brown accepted her is very selfish and blowing them off is disrespectful. Of course they were willing to accommodate her though.

I liked that we saw some redeeming qualities in both Carter and Chuck.

I’m glad Scott left. That storyline felt forced to me.

Vanessa...I’m still not sure why she’s in the show. I feel like every scene with her is awkward. I know it’s not the actress as I’ve seen her in other things but her character just gets under my skin. I even like Georgina more than her.

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