Shout by Marv74BR

The Mechanism 2018


Based on a liar's book, this grotesque series is filled with lies. Don't waste your time on this.

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@rricardo74 As the description announces, this series is "loosely inspired" in real events.
As people can see, politics in Brazil became religion, you're either with my God (political party) or you're nothing but a sadistic baby rapist.
It came to a point that the best defense of a guy that stole millions is to say that the guy from the other side did that as well, so sad...

@marcil regardless of political side, placing the speach of Juca on the 'Lula' character is pure and simple an deceit tactic.

@rricardo74 It's not a news to be a fakenews.

@rricardo74 luladrao, Sérgio os the king

@shadowdoug Sergio Moro is a fuckin rat.


Sérgio Moro fucked the bandits in Brazil

@shadowdoug he is a dog under Globo's leach.

@rricardo74 2018 and is there anyone watching TV Globo?
I'm sorry but I'm not a mass of maneuver just like the asses who support corrupt corrupt politician.
