Shout by Robert Quinn

The Amityville Horror 1979

The Lutzes get a great deal on their beautiful new home as the previous owners just died to give it away, hahaha. But the Lutzes, being an unsuperstitious and uncowardly lot, have no problem with the previous owners having been murdered in their soon to be new home. Sure they were laughing then, but as soon as they moved in, mysterious things begin to happen. They call in a priest, but he seems to be allergic to something in the house, and develops welts all over his body, and dies. Then there's muck in the basement and flies in the parlor. Hey, sounds like some kind of hillbilly song don't it. There are also cold winds and eerie sounds throughout the house, eyes coming from the barn, and the walls seep strange ooze, not the regular kind that normally seeps from walls. Just 28 days later the Lutzes put the heap back on the market. To think, if they had brought in a scientist instead of a priest, they would have had rational explanations. Like they would've found out that the wind and noises were from the airport near by. But hey, what are you gonna do.

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