Review by Jupiter

Gossip Girl: Season 4

4x06 Easy J

It would be nice if Blair found something productive to do that she loved instead of scheming. I can’t believe what she did to Jenny! Is she forgetting that J is still a kid compared to her?

Chuck came off repulsive here considering he used Jenny...again.

Still, I’m tired of Jenny’s storylines...I think she needs a little more fun. More season 1 Jenny.

I love that Lily tried to reverse psychology Serena. For someone who claims to be serious about school Serena is a bit of a flake. If she’s late for class once, leave earlier the next day. Take a shower and lay out her clothes the night before. If your prof is hot, wait an appropriate time after the semester is over to pursue it. It’s not difficult- if one were serious about their education.

I like glimpses of Eric’s life but it’d be nice to learn more about what he’s interested in.

And Rufus is total a trophy husband lol. He needs a part time job or something...maybe release a new album?

Nate is sweet and all but very naive. And doesn’t he got to Columbia too? Don’t most of them go to school? It’d be nice to see them flipping out over deadlines and workload from classes. All nighters, campus parties that interfere with their class deadlines etc. You know, normal college stuff.

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