Section 31 are a controversial inclusion in the Trek pantheon. I totally get that people see it as an unwelcome intrusion into a future where humans strive to be better. Myself, I kind of love it for the fantastic storytelling opportunities and characters it presents. Case in point here, Luther Sloan is just brilliant (helped no end by William Sadler's performance).

I also really enjoy Bashir-centric episodes. His character is one that allows for a number of different narrative styles to be explored; Bashir can be immature and silly or extremely serious and professional, and both of these aspects of him manage to ring true. I guess this applies to most characters in the show, really, they all have so much depth by this point that you could just follow them through their day and become wrapped up in what happens.

This is a fun and intriguing episode that throws in some excellent twists. There are moments of genuine doubt as to whether or not Bashir is a Dominion sleeper agent, and the episode brilliantly incorporates events of previous ones to muddy the waters. The Doctor is really put through the ringer in a manner that would befit one of the "O'Brien Must Suffer!" shows.

For me, Section 31 add something new and extremely interesting to the Star Trek universe, despite it being add odds with what the franchise has always tried to present. I'm sure the writers were relieved and delighted to have it as a storytelling tool, and it's no wonder that it keeps reappearing even as the franchise has evolved and semi-rebooted. Looks like we can look forward to their presence in Discovery too, and I can't wait.

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