Shout by Haibara

Something I don't understand is what's going on outside of Westworld. I'm not sure how much time has passed since all hell broke loose, but even if it's only a few hours then people outside should still know by now that everything's going horribly wrong in there. I guess you could keep it a secret for a bit from the public, but there must be thousands of people who work for the park and they can't just all be dead.
So why are they storming in there with ~ 20 humans who don't even have helmets or bulletproof armor, in shitty open cars and basically run into the hosts? Where is the rest - Police, military, whoever would help in this kind of situation. I guess that will be the 600 or 800 people one of the park staff talked about, but I'm honestly wondering how long it takes them and why the others are going in there with such small groups. So far I guess they're just arrogant because "it's just robots in there", but it feels weird to me...

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@haibara They won't call the police or the millitary. If you don't count all the illegal shit that is going on in their parks, then there is still the fact, that they are a private company or whatever, they want to keep their blueprints, datas and any information for theirselves.

They even said multiple times, that they can't get any signal out or whatever.

And yes, it is pretty hard to tell how much time has past with all these - at least 3 - timelines. :D

@haibara because they are afraid that if non-park personal will come "to take care of it", they might destroy Abernathy, the precious cargo.

@haibara I have a theory about this. I don't recall in which show or film I saw it in, but I believe they're going to get out of the park and into the 'real world' and find the real world isn't there anymore. This is either all taking place in space on a ship or some derelict asteroid, or it's on Earth but World War III happened, or something like that. The only indication we really had of what the world looked like outside, it was those two cowboys in season 1, right? And one died and the other became the Man in Black, if I am not mistaken. So we truly do not know.

Wayward Pines. That's the show I'm thinking of. Westworld is going to pull a Wayward Pines, mark my words!
