Review by FLY

Rampage 2018

This is an ok distraction, what you would expect from the usual Z monster movies, but with the budget to make it look (very) good. Maybe even too much budget, that allowed them to include many over the top cliche action scenes instead of focusing on the monster action.

I mean did it really need a 0G space scene ? Parachuting from a crashing plane ? And a B2 bomber ? I was a little disappointed in what was supposed to be the climax, city battle and monsters battle, so a little more attention to that instead would have been better. More military action in the city battle for instance, lots of tanks, some fighter jets, etc. (though jets are maybe not great for city fights ?)

And what's with the B2 ? What's the point of using the most expensive ever furtive plane during the day to send a missile on animals from several kilometers away ? Did they fear they had radars ?

The first wolf battle is nice though, and the crocodile looks AMAZING. The SURPRISE: the wolf can fly was a nice touch too.

The interaction between The Rock and the gorilla is nice. Can't say the acting is that great, so it feels a little weird, nut it makes for some funny jokes.
Morgan's character is really cool, though he's just that. He's clearly been written with a description: "cool cowboy, rough guy but nice, smart enough to be on the right side". That's it, nothing more. His background, job, role and interactions with the rest of the characters are inexistant or makes no sense with no questions asked.

The really bad part is the antagonists. There we go way beyond cliche. Typical rich guys, ready to go beyond what is legal or moral to make money. They apparenlty lead a billion dollars corporation, able to have its own space laboratory, though we barely see any employee, They seem to be the only ones in control and who knows all the nad stuff. But at the same time they're the stupid duo you would expect in a Home Alone level comedy. And the result is weird. The sister is definitely shown to be tougher, but she just looks that way compared to her brother. She might have been an ok character if by herself. But he's so stupid and useless and played so badly that it's painful to watch each scene he is in. It's bleeding bad (non) writing through the screen. And none of what they do makes any sense. Hey, let's make all the monsters come right tot the top of our building. What could go wrong ?

Naomie Harris' character is nonexistent. You could litterally remove her and not a thing would change in the movie. Her only useful action is to put the antidote on Claire before she's eaten which is a great wtf because we've never seen George have any interest in eating people so how could it have been a viable strategy ? It would have been much more likely that he'd just punch her out of the building and out goes the antidote.

I was also surprised by the intro declaring CRISPR a WMD but I checked and some US officials actually referred to it as one. Don't think it's been officially categorized this way though.

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