I actually wanted to give this episode a 9/10 but the kissing scene just made it lower. I think that scene was made solely for fans and also for making a GIF out of it.

Here's the thing: The scene wasn't realistic and logical. I mean, in the middle of the fight they kiss with just a protection from a little small shield? That's dumb and it makes you killed in real life. What's dumber was though, was the Remorath's aim. Even though they had a little shield, he only shooted the shield like he was blindfolded. I mean, where do these guys get training? He could've easily shot Coulson's or May's leg. But yeah, he didn't. Why? Because this wouldn't be an epic kissing then.

Also, I happen to think that they made this 'kissing scene' so that the finale of this episode would be much more dramatic than it would've been otherwise. But of course there's nothing wrong with making it a little bit more dramatic as long as you don't make it too obvious. Unfortunately, in here, they made it way too obvious.

Other from that scene, we've seen a lot of personal development in this episode which suprised me. And they managed to do it just fine with very well-written dialogues even though we had a lot action in this episode. I think this is very hard to do and the writers and the rest of the crew should be praised for this.

Also, the action. Boy oh boy was it great. Especially the fight between May and Qavas. The camera was very natural and well-directed. It didn't look like just bunch of random fighting collaged together. The only thing I didn't like about the fight was the moment when Deke finished deciphering the coordinates. Up until that moment, the fight was constant and none had the upper hand. It was balanced.

But the moment Deke finishes his job May immediately gains the upper hand kicks Qavas' ass. Yeah, she didn't actually win the fight but she was struggling a lot up until that moment. The fact that she suddenly become better just made me think that they wanted to finish the fight but didn't have much time, so they decided it that way.

Overall great episode though!

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