Review by Deleted

Rideshare 2018

A cheap shot at Taxi Driver, but more serial killer.

The whole movie is literally him driving around picking up people, either killing them or sparing them. We follow our main character, Jason, who is a serial killer and not a smart one. Jason is reckless at coving up his tracks, which just makes him beyond stupid which annoyed me through out. There are times when the passages take a photo or film Jason, mocking him for being a terrible driver - Jason later kills them, but doesn't delete or destroy the phone and leaves it at the crime scene. Do you think the police could link this back to him.


Doesn't help that the main actor, who's terrible by the way, sounds like Mr. Plinkett from Red Letter Media. And no, I'm not joking and it's kinda hilarious when he says lines like: "Have a sip of my water" - more like pass the pizza roll.

There's a scene in this movie where he picks up a female passenger who gets offended upon seeing a hawaiian hula doll in his car and both start an argument. It's so dumb. The scene ends with him shove the doll down her mouth, chocking her to death, followed by Jason saying "Aloha b*tch!".

I wouldn't recommend it as "So bad it's good" type, just boring and gets repetitive pretty quick.

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2 replies

@matthew-brady relax man it's a B movie Relax Cool :) we know what we get watching those movies :) it's the voice of the taxi driver is scary


Reply by Deleted

@jarvis-1783384 Now that's an insult to B movies. Also the voice of the taxi driver is more hilarious than scary.
