Shout by Haibara

Alex yelling "Fuck you! You fucking rapist!" honestly gave me life. It might not have been smart, but I just can't wait for Bryce to go down.
The two things I care about the most in this show at the moment are 1) how and when will Bryce be held responsible and 2) if a shooting will happen or not.

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@haibara You really want that shooting, don't you? LMFAO

@balazs955 I mean they're really teasing/hinting at it and it's something that's basically a taboo in shows, so yes, I was really, really curious if and how they would pull it off tbh :D Not because I want a lot of gore and deaths, but just because it's a thing that usually doesn't get addressed. So even having a shooting happening off-screen or a black screen with just some shots would be kind of special/revolutionary in my opinion.
