Review by Anto Butera

The 100: Season 5

5x01 Eden

I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the sight of Clarke eating giant, squashed bugs off the grill of the rover. So gross.

And it looks like the Seelie Queen is her new adopted little sister/daughter (I'm still not sure what the dynamic of their relationship is). Was it the same girl from the season 4 finale? I'm not 100% sure and am too lazy to look it up LOL

Also, isn't it amazing how there have been no pregnancies aboard The Ark? Like, a bunch of teenagers have been confined on a spaceship for six years with absolutely nothing to do but wait for time to pass. It's a wonder a few babies haven't been born. Either they have a BUNCH of contraceptives on that ship, they're all remaining somewhat celibate (pfff, yeah right), or they're simply all sterile because of all the radiation they've been exposed to over the years. I'm leaning towards the last option, it seems the most likely.

And was anyone else disappointed that Bellamy ALREADY has a new lady love? We're barely one episode in! I'm not the biggest Bellarke shipper by any means, but I was kinda hoping this would be their season.

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