Shout by hannah

Evil Genius 2018

a heads up: early on you see clear footage of the bomb on brian wells going off. it isn't exactly graphic but it's certainly very startling.

if you enjoyed vanished, you'll enjoy this. it's a story about the weird and bizarre circumstances surrounding two famous cases in erie and the accounts of those connected to them. that's where the value is -- not so much in the actual conclusions to the cases or the remaining, unsolved aspects. i like the personal anecdotes from the friends and family of the suspects and witnesses, and they're interspersed with interview footage and phone audio, as well as members of law enforcement recounting the case. all of the perspectives are really interesting; you just have to remember that the reason the whole story behind the crimes is so weird and complex is because the people involved are weird and complex. the crimes themselves weren't; they were just murders, plain and simple, and expecting anything more will make it hard to enjoy the story.

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