I'm confused!! Did they skip an episode? End of episode 6 Dalton/Will was in an interview to get inside Seattle Colony with his family, and they knew his real name. Episode 7, he's still Dalton and they are having huge marital problems and it's like they've been living and working in Seattle Colony for years??!!!

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@bjorgvinarnarsson I thought the same thing, even went back and watched episode 6 in case I had fallen asleep and missed something. This episode seemed somewhat disjointed and rushed.

@bjorgvinarnarsson Strange indeed. At first I thought this was a flashback, but as the episode progressed, it became clear that it was not the case. Katie just blissfully settles into a life in a Colony? Odd.

@broknsymetry hahaha I watched it as well :-) I REALLY hope there's an explanation/flashback next week :-)

@evilbyte They better have a flashback ready next week hahaha :-)
