Luke Cage himself is out of focus this season, but this doesn't make the show any less great. Step by step we have been learning the story of Mariah, seeing Bushmaster as this villain driven by some grief from the past, as he mercilessly kills people. In this episode the tides are turned. There's much more of Bushmaster's story revealed, while Mariah is now the one mercilessly killing and having no respect for life, so we can see that Bushmaster was right at the very beginning, when he talked about it running in the family. The annoying repetition of "Mariah Stokes" makes perfect sense now. The actors behind both of the villains are amazing, especially Mariah. The looks she gives, the speeches she makes, the emotions she shows, including the mental instability. There's talent everywhere, and Misty too got time to shine again. The "stone-cold guy Shades" role was not really fitting for the actor behind it, so this episode emphasized on that, making him vulnerable just like the character he played in Sons of Anarchy, resulting in a much more suitable role. Even Mariah noted these sides of him.

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