Review by Deleted

Cypher 2002

One of my favourite B-movies. It's a fun ride, but as many times as I've seen it (two so far logged on Trakt, but closer to a dozen otherwise), the twist in the middle when he switches from Digicorp to Sunways and then the similar twist later is just handled poorly. They knew what they wanted to do, but they didn't handle it well, and it only makes sense when you get to the end and you learn what's really going on. Still, it's a great concept.

I think this film was marketed a little too heavily to the Matrix fans, and while it may appeal to some of the same fans, it really deserves to stand on its own. The acting is a little off, or Morgan Sullivan (Jeremy Northam's character) is just super punchable. Though, I think the bad acting is mostly intentional as this movie is all about people (not just Sullivan) who pretend to be something they aren't. Is it bad acting or are they acting the roles of bad actors well?

This is not really a movie for 'normal' people. If you're looking for something different and original in the genres of science fiction and suspense/thrillers, this is a good pick. It's not a great film, but it's a fun techie/spy movie. Although calling it a spy movie isn't entirely correct; because of James Bond, we expect spies to use all kinds of weird gadgets and seduce beautiful women on foreign beaches with fancy drinks. This is more corporate espionage.

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