Right, I do enjoy the Mirror Universe but this episode has the intelligence of a piece of paper. It has a fun factor going for it which helps but it's clear that there were no new ideas on the table when this was made. We get to see the Intendant being her usual self, miraculously finding the opportunity to escape at the end as usual. We see Regent Worf being unable to control his temper. We see Mirror Garak being incompetent, and even have an extended joke sequence about it that goes on way too long. It's nothing we haven't seen before, and by this point it's tired.

I kind of like Mirror Ezri, though, with her unscrupulous ways (and a heart of gold hidden underneath). It's a shame that the portrayal of her sexuality is something a 13-year-old school boy would write.

The sequence of Quark and Rom carrying the invisible cloak is quite excellent, so the episode gains points for that. Mirror Brunt is really fun to see. It also loses some for including a mirror version of Vic Fontaine. Seriously, how dumb is that? There is no sensible explanation behind it.

I don't completely hate the episode because I could switch my brain off and have fun, but it's a shame that it feels the need to be so insulting to the audience's intelligence. Ah, well. We won't be going back to the MU again in this show - although the storyline does continue in various books, so I'll be reading them eventually.

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