Shout by Shackrock

What the Health 2017

Some of the stuff in this is really stupid (guy calls the American Heart/Cancer/Diabetes Associations 1-800 number, which is certainly a call center, and asks the hard hitting questions). You won't get an answer from that and your viewers are not this stupid (I hope).

That said, a ton of the claims in this really moved me for purposes of my own health. I was pretty excited but decided to google some stuff to see where the scientific/medical community lies on these things. Turns out, a lot of the stuff in here is REALLY unproven, a copmlete lie, or really slanted which is extremely misleading to viewers.

I have to say, now I think this is terrible because of these things. Recommend people read up here and elsewhere to get smart before buying into the claims here without doing other research: .

Additionally, I think this is far more complicated than we think... and at this point I don't trust any of these experts...

1/10 because of misleading and extreme slant without telling the watcher first.

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Hi @shackrock,

"Decided to google" - there's your first mistake a) assuming google is truth and b) assuming you'll find truth via google content. Try a search engine without a filter bubble.

Lastly, the only truth is cruelty

