Engrossing, Epic, Emotional. Those are the three E's that define this movie. The latest installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise is at its very best, culminating ten years of marvel adventure and spectacle with the biggest and most boldest movie in the superhero genre. So let's start with Anthony and Joe Russo, the geniuses that made this beast of a movie. After announcing that they will be directing the next two Avengers movies, Marvel fans knew at once that this will be the darkest Avengers movie yet. Yes, it was very dark with more of a serious tone. More than Winter Soldier and Civil War (previous marvel movies directed by the Russo Bothers) combined but they also had what the other Avengers movies had as well, the humor and it was not at all tasteless. Nobody really cared if it was necessary or not because the humor worked along with the edgy parts of the movie. This is by far the Russo brothers best work among the Marvel movies completely raising the bar of superhero movies to it's highest. Praise to Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely for writing the amazing script (they also wrote the scripts of Captain America, The Avengers, Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron and Civil War also known to be the best marvel movies). Now, the characters and story. Practically everyone that you've seen in the previous marvel movies that aren't dead, are in this movie. Everyone had the chance to shine even if it's the smallest way possible. There were so many character arcs in this movie and none of them were cut short or boring. Every scene is in the movie was worth digesting and deciphering, along with the surprises and the twists and turns that will get audiences on the edge of their seat. Everything from character development to the pacing of the storyline, makes you jump, scream, gasp or cry. And of course, the one and only, Thanos. The villain that has been teased one too many times is finally here and he delivers. Josh Brolin officially portrays the best villain in the MCU, completely pissing on Marvel's villain problem. He brings all out on the table with everything he's got. Not only will you hate Thanos by the end of the movie, but you will understand him and maybe even feel sorry for him for a few seconds. They brought layers into him that no one has seen in a movie portrayal of a Marvel villain. They made him scary and strong at the same time vulnerable and understandable. The motivation of his doing and his character development made him the best character in the movie, making the movie all about him. I cannot tell you anymore about this movie because then I would be spoiling. All I have to say is that whether you're a marvel fan or not, and if you at least know what has been going on in the previous marvel movies, GO AND WATCH IT. It will not be a waste of your time or money. Digest this to prepare for what's to come.

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