I wasn’t surprised by the cannibalism. They said there was only enough food for a certain number of people so that left few options.

I get that there was little choice for that dark year; however, it doesn’t justify Octavia for burning the farm. After the cannibalism you’d think she and everyone else would be desperate to protect it.

Seems like Octavia has become a full on dictator. I really hate what the writers/producers have done with her character. Every season I think ‘man she’s an idiot’. She’s the most annoying character and every year she gets worse.

Clarke flips back and forth as always and I just wish for the sake of character development she and the others who change their minds lot to stop. Pick a lane already!

I hope Monty is able to duplicate the algae . I don’t understand though why they were so quick to dismiss him especially after proving he can fix things. They need to go to one of the areas where the land is dead and have Monty spread some of algae then go live with the others. Have them return a year later and see he was wrong - the land is thriving twice as much as expected.

Honestly I hope the writers are considering that for the series.

And after seeing this season so far I hope the show ends soon. Make a plan and make it a great ending. This is just so repetitive and it’s getting ridiculous.

Last season’s finale had me really excited and now I’m losing interest. I think a big part of it is Octavia’s ‘I’m queen of the world’ attitude and stupid choices. But the show also uses the same formula over and over. Think outside the box.

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