Shout by Nancy L Draper

5 to 7 2014

There are so many good things about this movie. The writing is wonderful, leaving you with lines like "I promise to hold your heart more precious than my own" and "Your greatest story will be written for one person". I loved the stories on the benches in Central Park. The camera work was perfect, and if you have the eye for such things, notice the choices of camera angles, framings and panoramics chosen to tell the stories within the story. Anton Yelchin (he will be missed) was perfect for this part, his youth and innocence the perfect catalyst for the pathos of this romance. Berenice Marlohe brought beauty, poignancy and grace filled joy. The inevitable crisis of the relationship was crafted masterfully and the closing scene completely captivated me. A wonderful movie for people who love words, and art, and depth of emotion and thought. A horrible movie for people who want rapid pace action, quick easy transitions in the plot or glib humour. I give this film a 9 (superb) out of 10. [Romance]

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